Happy Christmas everyone!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day & may your deepest Christmas wishes come true!!!! Just thought I'd quickly share with you a few aspect of my Christmas, before I go off to my Grandparents' house for a lush roast dinner!! Firstly, an aspect most women find very important on a big day such as Christmas - WHAT TO WEAR!!! Well I still haven't decided on the dress (so I will be going to stare into my wardrobe for inspiration after writing this!), however I have decided on accessories & I know I will be wearing my cosy Russian hat out, as for me it practically defines my Christmas this year - all I need now is snow!!!
White Russian hat - M&S - £22
Silver (extremely) sparkly 7" heels - New Look - £28
Earrings - Dorothy Perkins - £12
Red/Pink glossed lipstick - Boots No7 - £14
Next part of my Christmas I wish to share with you, my handmade Christmas cards for my family. This year, with all my uni work, I haven't had as much time to dedicate to making loads of bits for Christmas, but these cards only took an hour together - so easy, yet effective! I used old Christmas cards, with as winters scene in, as my background, and embellished it with sparkly stickers, glitter, ball-ball gift tags & decoupage. Hope you like the look of them!

But that wasn't all I made! Once again I am blaming uni, as I am now a poor student. So I resorted to a few handmade gifts this year - but no tat was made! And I actually found (that as well as saving my pennies) that the handmade touch made my gifts much more personal & meaningful. One of the gifts I made was Cranberry, Pear & Port sauce (to go with the Christmas Roast). It was lush! Even if I do say so myself... And so far it has gone down very well & has been eaten all up. If you want to find out how to make it, please visit this link to Surge (where I write columns for too) http://wearesurge.co.uk/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=412#.UOBiD28nK8A
And finally, my Christmas Wishlist :
- Michael Buble - If not him, then at least his Christmas album - I am IN LOVE with his voice!!!
- New black heeled boots - I have literally warn my last pair to death - they are physically unwearable now :(
- All I want for Christmas is you.... Ok well not quite how that sounds, but doesn't every single girl wish for romance at Christmas? How can you not ?!? Its one of the most romantic times of year (I find anyway).
(p.s. please note the Christmassy colour scheme in this post - tehe )