The House of John Galliano has recently won the prestigious award of Enterprise du Patrimoine Vivant, for it's traditional and highly skilled methods of production. This award recognised the hard work and talent of the 15 individuals who work on producing the collections. It also highlighted the importance of Haute Couture's heritage, which is in fact sadly in decline! So to round up, this award both sore a comeback for Galliano & a comeback for Haute Couture.
When I look back at photos of my family throughout the 40's, 50's, 60's . . . I am truly envious of the fashions and lifestyles of the times. How women dressed feminine 24/7, in every situation from the daily household jobs to trips to the British seaside. How skirts were the norm, not just warn for going out in, and how the silhouette was hourglass not androgynistic. If I could travel back in time, I think the 50's would be my first stop. This particular shoot is from the Cannes Film Festival in 1955, photographs of Brigitte Bardot and taken by Kary Lasch.
So the British Fashion Awards 2011 happened on Monday at The Savoy Hotel, London, and this is what the fashion pack wore on their night out. . .
I can't believe I could have been at the event, but turned it down, and for what? My design work!?! WOW that really shows my dedication to fashion design. And bellow is my wasted invite to the awards, oh well theres always next year!! To find out more & who won what go to
After that amount of time, and that amount of paper folding, I was able to create (the front half) of my practice run dress - of which the real piece shall be made from clear acetate in order to catch & reflect the light off the shiny surfaces. Shall post the finished piece up when done! To see more that I have made go to and follow that blog of mine too if you like!!
11/11/11. The date marking the international debut for this luxury men's underwear brand. Founded by James. A. Christopher (JAC), it is a up-and-coming brand with a distinct sense of humour and is hinted to rival the quality and popularity of Calvin Klein's and Armani underwear. The brand has three main collection - Loyal, Supersmart and Barking Mad - which ranges from classic comfort to fashion forwards underwear. And with their first concept store opened recently in Hong Kong's stylish Sheung Wan district, this brand is heading for big places - so keep your eyes peeled and be the first to own Jac5 Underwear.
Delicate. Beautiful. Feminine. Need I say more? Definitely some key pieces for next season, including the tailored skirt & jackets, the floral puffy mini dresses, and of course the pastel lace. I personally loved how the whole collection suited the female form, and mainly enhanced a smaller waist. Also the lace masks just concealed enough identity for mystery without uncomfort, and dramatic impact without compromising the beauty. So grab a pen & paper to start taking notes from this show . . .
So I have been working on a project recently based around film and animation, where I am in the process of creating several fashion stop motion films. So to share them with everyone, I have now got MY VERY OWN YOUTUBE CHANNEL.
So please check it out & subscribe if you have an account (I'll be happy to return the favour!) And hope you like my very first fashion film . . .
A video from the launch of this new and exciting collection, available from the 17th November. I am love how such beautiful prints and playful cuts are now available on the high street thanks to this new duo!
Some of the celebrities at the show who have taken a liking for the more affordable yet still as desirable Versace . . .
The talented designer herself . . .
My personal wish list - definitely need to purchase that skirt if nothing else!!!
* TOP TIP * Check out the menswear collection too - some really great printed pieces and some pieces are cheaper than the womenswear!!
I absolutely love this song when I first heard it on Born This Way. However seeing it performed at the EMA awards - after she won several awards - I think I may of fallen in love with this song! Perhaps this was because of another winning outfit choice - would LOVE this dress for an xmas party this year!!!!! Oh I do LOVE Gaga.
So I think we can all agree that Heidi Klum rather stole the limelight with her multiple Halloween outfits this year. My personal favourite it the Hindu God (bellow) where she has taken the effort to paint her entire self blue, and has decorated herself with everything from golden jewels, mini heads, cut off hands (warn as belt) and six extra arms. Oh and did I mention her shoes here?!?
Right so apparently I need to check my emails more - as I would've heard about this a week ago. So YES VERSACE ARE DOING A COLLECTION FOR H&M. Excited? Hell Yes!!! I have already started planning my shopping list and am thinking of Christmas stuff I could buy people! Literally cant wait, may have to go and camp outside one of the selected stores until the collection arrives on the 17th November! For more info on the collection, where you can buy from and everything else go to