26 November 2011

34 Origami Flowers + 540 Minutes

After that amount of time, and that amount of paper folding, I was able to create (the front half) of my practice run dress - of which the real piece shall be made from clear acetate in order to catch & reflect the light off the shiny surfaces. Shall post the finished piece up when done! To see more that I have made go to http://thesecretsofadressmaker.blogspot.com/ and follow that blog of mine too if you like!!


  1. Wow, the detail you put in to that is astounding. Bravo!

  2. Anonymous1/4/13 13:59

    How did you make the origami flowers?
    I'm making a dress for GCSE art.

    1. oh cool, well i looked at loads of different origami tutorials & sort of went from there :) Just google it and loads of easy step by step guides come up :) good luck with the dress! Let me know how it goes (would love to see pics!) xx
